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Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope


International Conference | DTS – 2024 (2nd edition)

23rd-24th of May 2024 | Naples - Italy

March 3rd, 2024

1st December 2023 - 31st March 2024

1st April 2024 - 30th April 2024


DISAQ – Department of Management and Quantitative Studies
Via Generale Parisi, 1380132 Napoli NA
University of Naples Parthenope, Italy

IDTSE – Management Department
Paris School of Business, France

In collaboration with

With the patronage of

SIG Innovation

The conference is also supported by the DISAQ “Progetto di Eccellenza 2023-2028”.

Conference Theme

AI-driven Digital Transformation in Firms, Industries, and Society

Digital transformation refers to the unprecedented disruptions in society, industry, and organizations stimulated by advances in digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Metaverse, big data analytics, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

The approach data-driven in all fields have generated different change and improvement and the use of digital technologies is an enabler of value co-creation in more fields and in complex service industries. But digital technologies must be integrated into various aspects of a business to fundamentally change how it operates, delivers value to customers, and creates competitive advantages. AI plays a significant role in digital transformation, AI can be leveraged to enhance various aspects of operations, decision-making, and customer experiences.

IoT is another critical component of digital transformation in business models. It refers to a network of interconnected physical devices embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity capabilities that enable them to collect and exchange data.

In the context of business models, IoT offers several opportunities for innovation and optimization. In more specific contexts (such as healthcare, entrepreneurship, agriculture, finance, and other fields), these topics are particularly innovative because can produce more personalized offers more strongly oriented toward customers and allow more innovations for entrepreneurs in their economics businesses.

Even though digital technologies are the primary enablers, other factors have also driven digital transformation. These include evolving organizational relationships, consumer behaviors and expectations, digital competitions, and data availability. The impacts of digital transformation are vast and extend beyond consumer behavior or organizations into other domains such as social dynamics.

The potential impact on the way we conduct business, and interact with others, is likely to be transformational as the distinct lines between physical and digital are likely to be somewhat blurred from current perceptions. However, although the technology and infrastructure do not yet exist to allow the development of new immersive virtual worlds at scale, researchers are increasingly examining the transformative impact of the metaverse. Furthermore, digital transformation is expected to exact a toll on the sustainability triangle, i.e., environmental sustainability. Presently, studies are lacking to map digital transformation in the environmental sustainability domain. Hence, there is a need for more comprehensive studies to understand digital transformation’s impacts on various aspects currently ignored in the literature, such as the impact on corporate social responsibility, society, performance, and the environment. Furthermore, doing business through digital and sustainable processes opens novel opportunities and poses additional challenges to firms that have an international presence and/or are part of a complex value chain, often spanning national borders.

Given this background, we encourage conceptual and empirical papers using a diverse range of methods (either quantitative or qualitative). Research papers bridging the gap between theoretical conceptions and practical insights are highly welcome. As such, this conference calls for but is not limited to the below themes:

▪ Digital transformation, human resource management, and organizational behavior.

▪ AI-driven transformation in companies and society.

▪ The influence of AI on inter-organizational relationships (Supply chain, R&D…).

▪ Social media, metaverse, and the future of human society.

▪ Generative AI: management and organizational implications.

▪ Digital transformation and performance measurement.

▪ Smart mobility and logistics.

▪ Digital transformation and sustainability in firms, industries, and societies.

▪ Digital transformation of SMEs.

▪ Ethics and responsible management of AI.

▪ Digital transformation across industries (healthcare, agrifood, finance…).

▪ Genders and cross-cultural cultures in digital transformation.

▪ Organizational and industrial response to cyber-criminality.

▪ IoT and Consumer behaviour.

▪ Digital transformation and implication for marketing and branding.

▪ Accounting perspectives in the digital area.

The conference is organized by DISAQ at University of Naples Parthenope and Paris School of
Business with the support of Knowmedtech Cultural Association, under the patronage of the
Strategic interest group (SIG) on Innovation of the European Academy of Management. The
conference is also supported by the DISAQ “Progetto di Eccellenza 2023-2028”.

Publications Opportunities

The best papers will be reviewed by the conference scientific committee for publication in the following journals:

  • IEEE-Transactions on Engineering Management
  • Journal of Engineering & Technology Management
  • Technological Forecasting & Social Change
  • Technovation
  • European Journal of Innovation Management
  • Book Springer

Participation in the conference does not guarantee the paper’s publication in these journals.

The authors not interested in any journal can publish their full papers or long abstracts (at least 1500 words long) as conference proceedings in the Springer book “Advanced Perspectives and Trends in Digital Transformation of Firms, Networks, and Society – 2nd International Conference of the Digital Transformation Society, Naples, Italy, May 23-24, 2024

Francesco Schiavone, University of Naples Parthenope
Nessrine Omrani, Paris School of Business
Héger Gabteni, Paris School of Business

Lou Shipley, Harvard Business School, USA

Scott Cunningham, Editor in Chief, Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Francesco Schiavone, Associate Editor, Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
Monica Masucci, Editor In Chief, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
Francesco Paolo Appio, Associate Editor, IEEE-Transactions on Engineering Management

Vincenzo Corvello, Editor In Chief, European Journal of Innovation Management

Maria Ciasullo, Editor In Chief, The TQM Journal

“Innovative Methodologies for Excellence in Teaching”.


Palazzo Pacanowski, via Generale Parisi 13, 80132
University of Naples Parthenope – Naples (Italy)

For Information

For more detailed information, please refer to


Here are the links to the different forms:  

Please submit your Full Paper or Extended Abstract in PDF format via email to dts2024@uniparthenope.it by March 3, 2024.

The first page of your submission must contain the title, author(s) and contact information of the corresponding author, the conference track, and the journal of your interest.

  • 1. AI for the Sustainable Development Goals

Track chair: Prof. Francesco P. Appio.
Track coordinators: Proff. Davide La Torre, Vito Giordano, Francesca Lazzeri, Hatem Masri.
The track “AI for the Sustainable Development Goals” aims to critically explore the AI’s dual role as both a facilitator and potential obstacle in achieving SDGs. It encourages a comprehensive examination of AI as a non-neutral technology with significant sociotechnical implications. The focus extends to the sustainability of AI itself, addressing its environmental, labour, data, political, social, and ethical dimensions. The track invites submissions that challenge the current understanding of AI, trace its supply chain, assess its lifecycle, and propose more sustainable alternatives. The goal is to foster a nuanced understanding of AI’s role in sustainable development, considering both its potential benefits and drawbacks. This track aims to inspire innovative research that can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, while also promoting the development of more sustainable and responsible AI technologies.

  • 2. AI driven digital transformation leading the way to a more sustainable future

Track chair: Prof. Adel Ben Youssef.
The emergence of Industry 4.0 and 5.0 technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI), is profoundly impacting industries and societies, shaping daily activities through digital innovation. AI, alongside technologies like Blockchain and IoT, is crucial for sustainable development. Digital transformation has the potential to shift economies towards sustainability, addressing socio-economic, environmental, and climate challenges. This track focuses on AI-driven digital transformation as a catalyst for sustainable industry, firms, and society. It aims to explore how digitalization contributes to sustainable economic development, emphasizing the need for aligned efforts in technology, environment, economy, and society. The involvement of various stakeholders, including academia, is crucial for transitioning to a more sustainable economy. We invite the submissions to do theoretical and practical analyses, exploring topics such as AI’s role in a sustainable economy, digitalization for ecological transition, AI-driven sustainability in firms, and the impact of Industry 5.0 on sustainability. Other potential topics include AI and climate change, digitalization’s role in sustainable entrepreneurship, and the interplay between digitalization and eco-efficiency in fostering a low carbon economy.

  • 3. Revolutionizing Healthcare: Unveiling the Power and Pitfalls of Digital Transformation

Track chair: Dr. Daniele Leone.
Track coordinators: Anna Bastone, Federica Zeuli.
Digital transformation is increasingly recognized on a global, regional, and national level to bridge gaps between supply and demand. This digital shift is reshaping business structures and workflows, necessitating the development of new business models. Particularly, in healthcare it offers the potential to improve patient care, reduce costs, and enhance overall healthcare delivery. However, it also poses challenges related to privacy, security, interoperability, and the need for ongoing investment in technology infrastructure and training. This track welcomes scholars from various fields to offer insights into the primary benefits and obstacles associated with digital transformation within the healthcare sector. We aim to receive submissions that can spark discussions regarding the impact of digital transformation on healthcare, particularly its role in reshaping decision-making processes that influence strategies and business models at the organizational level. We encourage submissions that novel ideas, innovative tools, and new perspectives for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers. Theoretical contributions, reviews, and case studies are welcome.

  • 4. Digital transformation and Impact of Technology on Brand Protection and AntiCounterfeiting

Track chair: Proff. Nicola Cucari
Track coordinators: Proff. Chiara Scrimieri, Antonio La Sala, Raffaella Montera, Jintao Lu.
In the contemporary business landscape, marked by swift digital transformation, this track delves into the intersection of innovation and the imperative to safeguard brand integrity. Focused on the profound impact of technology, particularly in the realms of blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT), the track explores how these digital transformation initiatives serve as linchpins in fortifying authenticity in the global marketplace. The partecipants are invited to undertake a comprehensive exploration of how businesses can strategically use digital transformation to fortify brand protection and counteract the rising threat of counterfeiting. By understanding the complexities and nuances surrounding technology adoption, ethical considerations, and regulatory landscapes, businesses can position themselves as leaders in preserving brand integrity and fostering consumer trust in an increasingly interconnected world.

  • 5. Digital transformation of family businesses: Innovation challenges and way forward

Track chair: Prof. Ivan Miroshnychenko.
Track coordinators: Proff. Paolo Capolupo, Lorenzo Ardito, Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli. Currently, digital transformation and innovation play a crucial role in our landscape for long-term business success. While extensive research has explored these aspects in large companies, family businesses have been largely neglected. The unique governance structure of family firms may influence their distinct innovation management processes. Despite their potential for superior innovation returns, family businesses face challenges in the digital landscape. The thematic track aims to fill this gap in research by examining the application of new technologies, innovation strategies and the impact of family ownership on digital innovation. It also explores the factors that influence digital entrepreneurship, organizational practices that promote digital innovation, and growth opportunities for family businesses in the digital space. On the previous assumptions, the objective is to obtain submissions to improve the understanding of digital innovation and its implications for transformation and entrepreneurship within family businesses.

  • 6. The effects of Digital Transformation on inter-organizational relationships

Track chair: Prof. Ginevra Gravili.
Track coordinators: Proff. Michela Iannotta, Mauro Gatti, Kaliyan Mathiyazhagan, Samuel Fosso Wamba.
Digital technologies impact brand protection and anti-counterfeiting efforts. In particular, key technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) and their key role in reshaping supply chains, improving transparency and optimizing operational efficiency. We are pleased to obtain papers that deal with real studies and innovative solutions that use these technologies for effective anti-counterfeiting measures. Addressing challenges such as investment requirements, interoperability issues and ethical considerations, the path emphasizes the delicate balance between innovation and responsible implementation. The purpose of the track is to discuss how to strategically leverage digital transformation to safeguard brand integrity and counter the growing threat of counterfeiting in today’s interconnected world.

  • 7. Digital Transformation for Sustainability in Freight Logistics and Maritime Transport

Track chair: Prof. Marcello Risitano.
Track coordinator: Prof. Marco Ferretti.
In an era defined by environmental consciousness and technological advancements, this track illuminates the intersection of digital transformation and sustainability within the domains of freight logistics and maritime transport. As industries face increasing pressure to reduce their ecological footprint, innovative digital solutions are emerging as catalysts for change. This track explores how digital transformation can revolutionize freight and maritime operations to foster environmental sustainability. We invite the participants to send the subsmissions that discuesses how digital transformation can propel freight logistics and maritime transport towards sustainability. By embracing innovative technologies and collaborative approaches, businesses can not only optimize their operations but also contribute to a greener, more sustainable future for the global transportation industry.

  • 8. Marketing, AI & Metaverse

Track chair: Prof. Michele Simoni.
There is currently a strong convergence between marketing, artificial intelligence (AI) and the metaverse: an immersive digital space that blurs the lines between physical and virtual reality. As companies navigate the transformative landscapes of artificial intelligence and the metaverse, they implement innovative marketing strategies to engage audiences in unprecedented ways, presenting new challenges and opportunities. Businesses can unlock new dimensions of creativity and engagement, defining the future of marketing in an increasingly virtual world. For previous hires, this track encourages participants to submit work that allows for an exchange of information on the dynamic interaction between marketing, artificial intelligence and the metaverse. Therefore, our aim is to offer scholars to learn about collaborative potential and ethical considerations will be addressed.

  • 9. Aims, drivers and dynamics of the Industry 5.0: towards a Super-smart Society

Track chair: Prof. Rossella Canestrino.
Trach coordinators: Proff. Pierpaolo Magliocca, Elias G. Carayannis.
The pandemic accelerated changes in industry and services with the adoption of diverse technologies, prompting a need to explore how digital technologies can benefit the environment. While Industry 4.0 (I4.0) enhanced automation through AI, IoT, and Blockchain, it fell short in addressing climate and social issues. A new revolution, Society 5.0 (S5.0), is proposed, aiming for a people-centric super-smart society that leverages science, technology, and innovation. The initiative seeks research studies on S5.0, encouraging submissions on the contributions of IT and AI to environmental sustainability, equity, and economic development. It explores a combination of techno-centric and human-centric innovations, practical approaches for sustainable growth, the role of innovation ecosystems, and necessary conditions for more human-centric ecosystems. Contributions from diverse disciplines and perspectives are welcomed.

  • 10. Innovation and digital transformation: looking at crossroads and intersections

Track chair: Prof. Manuel Villasalero.
Track coordinators: Proff. Julio García-Muñoz, Letizia Gasparri, Yolanda López-Rubio, Martín Mora-Valbuena, Eleonora Veglianti.
Firms are increasingly aware of the crucial challenges that innovation and digitalization represent in recent times to remain competitive in the marketplace. Along with other priorities, such as sustainability, governance, responsibility, and globalization, the quest for innovative solutions and digital transformations are among the top concerns not only for managers but also investors, policymakers, consultants, and scholars. Despite many previous studies dealing with some of these issues separately, less research has been done on the intersections, such as the relations between innovation and digital transformation, innovation openness and Industry 4.0 adoption or corporate responsibility and digitalization, to name a few. This track seeks papers looking at the crossroads of those top priorities with the overall trend toward digital transformation, whether conceptual, quantitative, reviews, or case studies. Deriving insightful research and practical implications is highly encouraged.

  • 11. General Track

Track chair: Prof. Francesco Schiavone, Prof.ssa Nessrine Omrani
In today’s dynamic landscape, the pervasive influence of digital technologies is catalyzing revolutionary changes across diverse industries. This track aims to explore and dissect the profound impacts of the ongoing technological revolution on various sectors, unraveling the innovative strategies, challenges, and opportunities emerging in its wake. Our scope is to provide a comprehensive overview of the ongoing technological revolution, fostering discussions on the transformative potential, challenges, and collaborative strategies across diverse industries. Researchers and industry experts are invited to contribute insights into the multifaceted impact of digital transformation on shaping the future of various sectors.

  • Tracks proposal: No later than October 31, 2023. Proposals must be sent to email: schiavone@uniparthenope.it and n.omrani@psbedu.paris
  • Full Papers and Extended Abstract submission: No later than March 3, 2024.
  • Notification of acceptance: No later than March 31st, 2024.
  • Conference registration: No later than March 31, 2024 (Early bird), no later than April 30, 2024 (Regular).
  • Doctoral Workshop: 23rd May, 2024 – afternoon.
  • Conference: 23rd and 24th of May, 2024.

No invitation letters to conference participants will be delivered before the formal registration and payment.

Download the Slides Template

Download the Paper Submission Template

Download the Extended Abstract Submission Template



Registration and Conference Fees

Fill the form below with useful information for the participation to the next DTS24 CONFERENCE

Please send the filled-in form and the receipt of bank transfer via email to dts2024@uniparthenope.it

Early bird


Faculty Members






PhD student



Early bird registration: 1 December 2023 – 31 March 2024

Regular registration: 1 April 2024 – 30 April 2024

The participation fee includes:

  • Participation in all conference sessions.
  • Gala dinner (Thursday 23 May),
  • Two coffee breaks, lunch (Friday 24 May).
  • The registration of participation is binding.
  • Payments will be refunded if the organizer cancels the conference. Refunds are not possible in other cases.
  • The participation fees are owed upon registration and are payable within 7 days following submission of the registration (but not later than 7 days before the starting day of the event).
  • Participation is not guaranteed until full payment of the registration fee is received.
  • The conference program may be subject to changes.
  • Registrations remain valid if the conference has to be postponed.

Note: DTS Conference Chairs are not responsible for any failure to perform its obligations, if it is prevented or delayed in performing those obligations by an event of force majeure. Force Majeure events include natural disasters, and terrorist attacks.

All registrations must be pre-paid online or by bank transfer, in Euros (€).
Full payment must be received in full prior to the Conference. If you register at the early registration rate, payment must be received in full by the Early registration deadline. If payment is not received at this time, your registration rate will automatically be changed to standard registration, and the regular fee will be due. On-site registrations are not allowed.


Bank Transfer – Transfers made must be exempt of charges to DTS and Media PRO. In order to ensure that your payment is identified, please indicate clearly your full name and affiliation, followed by “DTS 2024”. Please allow enough time for bank transfers to be received by the deadline. If in doubt consult your bank to be sure.

The deadline for payment by bank transfer is April 30th, 2024.


Account Details:

Account number: 100000184920


Accountholder: Associazione Media PRO

Purpose: Surname, affiliation, DTS 2024

>> Please scan the receipt of bank transfer and email to dts2024@uniparthenope.it

>> Please be patient that it will take up to 5 days to validate both types of payment

For the registration click this link to fill out and submit the form.

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You may opt out from being included in this communication database any time, by sending an email to dts2024@uniparthenope.it

The congress venue and area will be used to photograph and record video and film footage. By your presence in this area, you acknowledge that you have been informed that you may be recorded as part of the release in any media now known or hereafter devised, in perpetuity, throughout the known universe and the advertising and publicity thereof by DTS and DiSAQ.

Further, by your presence in this area, you grant your permission for your likeness and voice to be included therein without compensation, credit or other consideration. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

The hotels in the list below have rooms on hold for participants at DTS 2024.


Contact Emails

For more detailed information, please contact the conference chairs at:


Conference official email address: dts2024@uniparthenope.it

DISAQ | Dipartimento di Studi Aziendali e Quantitativi

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Both of the documents must be written in English.

    2019 © Copyright Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope" - DISAQ Department of Management and Quantitative Studies- All rights reserved

    DISAQ | Dipartimento di Studi Aziendali e Quantitativi