Aggiornate al 30/06/2024
Kumari Preeti, Khatri Puje, Thomas Asha, D’Agostino Maria Teresa, Pezone Arianna (2024), “Positive leadership for the new knowledge economy: a review and research agenda”, The Journal of Knowledge Economy (in conditional acceptance, EIC)
Kartti,N.,Mandiello,A.(2024) Mapping technology acceptance in healthcare: insights from a systematic review. In Proceedings of Digital Transformation Society conference 2024
Mandiello, A., Franzese, G. (2024) Gamification enhancing patient-centricity through digital therapeutics. In Proceedings of Digital Transformation Society conference 2024
Mandiello, A., Di Iorio A. (2024) The effect of Personal Innovativeness on Digital Therapeutics acceptance: an Italian empirical study. In Proceedings of Digital Transformation Society conference 2024
Schiavone F., Bastone A., Zeuli F., Franzese G., Mandiello A., (2024) Digital Transformation as a Driver to create a culture of Sustainability in healthcare: A Scoping Review. Research & Innovation Forum 2024.
Kartti,N.,Mandiello,A.(2024) Mapping technology acceptance in healthcare: insights from a systematic review. In Proceedings of Digital Transformation Society conference 2024
Franzese,G., Kartti,N., Cannavale,C. (2024)The influence of individual values on purchase intention of fair-trade products: An analysis on Italian consumers. In Proceedings of Sinergie-Sima Management Conference 2024
Mazzanti M., Grimaldi M., Papa G., Pezone A., Palladino R., Discovering Human Skills in the wake of technological disruption. Towards a New Dimension of Shared Values in the Era of Digital Humanism, Conference Paper presentato per la seconda edizione della conferenza “IL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT NELLO SVILUPPO DI UNA COMUNITÀ SCIENTIFICA GLOBALE. Dalle radici alla prospettiva delle nuove generazioni dei Ricercatori di Management”, Università degli Studi Roma TorVergata, 17 Maggio 2024
Caputo, F., Magliocca, P.,
Canestrino, R. & Rescigno, E., internazionale
Rethinking the Role of Technology for Citizens’ Engagement and Sustainable Development in Smart Cities. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10400.
Magliocca P., Canestrino R., Rescigno E., “Digital Revolution e imprese: il ruolo dele “competenze” digitali per li successo aziendale” ni Magliocca P. (edited by), Sfide eopportunità dela digital revolution: Imprese, università e civil society. FrancoAngeli, pp. 13-64, 2023, ISBN: 978-88-351-4739-8).
Sarno, D., Pasquinelli, C., & Mandiello, A. (2023). Brand meanings Institutionalization in Festival Service Ecosystems: the transformation of Giffoni brand. In Proceedings of the 8th Naples Forum on service. (pp. 24-26).
Kartti , N. (2023) Intercultural Conflicts in the Management of International Business Networks: a research project. In Proceedings of Iaccm 2023 (pp 97-115)
Bonfanti, A,. Canestrino, R,. Caputo, F., Carayannis, E. G., Magliocca, P. & Rescigno E., “Does 14.0 Guarantee Inclusiveness and Accessibility? Evidence from Multimedia Immersive Exhibitions” Atti del Convegno International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD 2023) “Managing Knowledge for Sustainability” – Matera (Italy), 07-09 June 2023, pp. 1587-1602 (ISBN: 978-88-96687-16-1).
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv), Digital Transformation ni Economy, Finance, Management and Entrepreneurship, 18 of May 2023, International Scientific Online Conference. Presentation of the contribution entitled “Digitalization for an Italian Company”.
Spignese A., Serino L. & Campanella F (2024), “Gender diversity on BoD and multi-stakeholder value creation: empirical evidence from the European Banking System”. International Journal of Financial Management.
Spignese A., Serino L. & Campanella F. (2024), “Are ESG scores driven by financial information? Evidence from European banks”. Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions.
Gerardo Luisi, Valentina Di Pasquale, Maria Cristina Pietronudo, Stefano Riemma, and Marco Ferretti. 2023. “A Hybrid Architectural Model for Monitoring Production Performance in the Plastic Injection Molding Process” Applied Sciences 13, no. 22: 12145.
Simoni M., Sorrentino A., Venturini L., Caratù M. (2024), “Understanding the potentialities of metaverse for marketers. Insights from Italy,” Sinergie-SIMA Conference 2024, June 13-14, 2024, University of Parma.
Venturini L. (2024), “Virtual Venice in Assassin’s Creed. Insights from a metaverse experiment on tourism intention to visit,” SIM Junior Faculty Climber Community Meeting 2024 (JFCC 24), 06-07 June 2024, University of Bologna, Rimini Campus, Italy.
Venturini L., Sorrentino A. (2024), “Marketing in the Metaverse: a comprehensive bibliometric literature review,” DTS Conference, May 23-24, 2024, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy.
Zeuli F., Bastone A. & Mandiello A., (2024), “Artificial Intelligence’s Role in Driving Customer-centricity in Healthcare: An Explorative Analysis” 25-28 June, Euram Conference 2024, Bath.
Perillo C., Mandiello A., Bastone A. & Zeuli F. (2024), “Enhancing user centricity in the growth hacking process: a conceptual framework” DTS Conference, May 23-24, 2024, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy.
Spignese A., Zeuli F. & Cantone C., (2024), “Analysing the drivers of digital innovation in healthcare: a panel analysis from European Countries” DTS Conference, May 23-24, 2024, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy.
Ferretti M., Luisi G., Riemma S., Schiavone F. & Zeuli F.,(2024) “Reducing the environmental impact of an operating room: a digital twin approach”. DTS Conference 2024. 23-24 May 2024, Naples, Italy.
Spignese A., Zeuli F. & Cantone C., (2024), “Female entrepreneurship and the role of digital and innovative finance: A bibliometric analysis”. 17 May, Paper Development Workshop: Second edition at the University of Rome Tor Vergata
Schiavone F., Bastone A., Zeuli F. & Mandiello A., (2024), “Artificial Intelligence as a driver to customer-centricity in healthcare”. Sixth Digital Transformation Workshop “THE EMERGING ROLE OF GENERATIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN BUSINESS” February 8th & 9th, 2024 Naples, Italy
Schiavone F., Bastone A., Franzese G., Zeuli F. & Mandiello A., (2024), “Digital Transformation as a Driver to create a culture of Sustainability in healthcare: A Scoping Review”. 10-12 April 2024 Rii Forum Conference, Ravello
Spignese A. & Cantonce C., (2024), “Can ethical behaviour reduce credit risk? Focus on the moderator role of the BoD”. International Conference of Corporate Governance: Research and Advanced Practices
Spignese A., Zeuli F. & Cantone C., (2024), “Analysing the drivers of digital innovation in healthcare: a panel analysis from European Countries” DTS Conference, May 23-24, 2024, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
Spignese A., Zeuli F. & Cantone C., (2024), “Female entrepreneurship and the role of digital and innovative finance: A bibliometric analysis”. 17 May, Paper Development Workshop: Secon edition at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Gerardo Luisi, Andrea Caporuscio and Marco Ferretti. “Entrepreneurship policy for business angels attraction: a system dynamics simulation”. EURAM Conference proceedings 2024, European Academy of Management. 25-28 June 2024, Bath, United Kingdom
Marco Ferretti, Gerardo Luisi, Stefano Riemma, Francesco Schiavone and Federica Zeuli. Reducing the environmental impact of an operating room: a digital twin approach. DTS Conference 2024. 23-24 May 2024, Naples, Italy
Spignese A. & Cantone C., (2024), “Can ethical behaviour reduce credit risk? Focus on the moderator role of the BoD”. International Conference of Corporate Governance: Research and Advanced Practices
Spignese A., Zeuli F. & Cantone C., (2024), “Analysing the drivers of digital innovation in healthcare: a panel analysis from European Countries” DTS Conference, May 23-24, 2024, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
Spignese A., Zeuli F. & Cantone C., (2024), “Female entrepreneurship and the role of digital and innovative finance: A bibliometric analysis”. 17 May, Paper Development Workshop: Secon edition at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Luisi G., Venturini L., Ferretti M., Sorrentino A. (2024), “Investing in Success: A Content Analysis-Based Literature Review of Business Angels as Architects of Sustainable Entrepreneurship” in “Implementing entrepreneurial processes for good,” De Gruyter DOI: 10.1515/9783111325026-006
Gerardo Luisi, Luca Venturini, Annarita Sorrentino and Marco Ferretti. 2024. “Investing in success: a content analysis–based literature review of Business Angels as architects of sustainable entrepreneurship”. Book Chapter. Advances in entrepreneurial processes, De Gruyter
Fera P., Ricciardi G., Cantone C. (2024), “Do Auditors Consider Climate-Related Risks as a Kam? Evidence from The Italian Context”, in Climate Change and Corporate Reporting in Europe: Standard Setting and Disclosure Practices Edited by Nicola Moscariello and Michele Pizzo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (pp. 231-255)
Sorrentino A., Venturini L. (2023), “Immersive Technologies and Environmental Sustainability. Opportunities and threats,” IACCM Annual Conference, October 25-27, 2023, Naples, Italy
Simoni M., Sorrentino A., Venturini L. (2023), “Managing Metaverse in the tourism experience processes,” The 6th International Conference on Marketing Management (MM2023), June 22, 2023, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
Simoni M., Sorrentino A., Venturini L. (2023), “Exploring the magnitude of Metaverse on the tourist experience journey. A multi-stakeholder view,” AIRSI 2023, The Metaverse Conference, May 15-17, 2023, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Sandro P., Schiavone F., Trama U., Bernardi F., Bianchi A., Maiolino P., Zeuli F., & Mandiello A. (2023), “Farmaci Oncologici Innovativi in Campania: Verso un modello di misurazione delle performance”. 23 May, At Università LUMSA
Bastone A. Franzese G., Manetti S., Zeuli F., How to create a culture of sustainability in the Healthcare sector: A scoping review, IACCM 2023 International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, “Responsible Management: Social Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion” 25th _27th October 2023 – Naples, Italy
Schiavone F., Leone D., Bastone A., & Zeuli F., “Exploring AI-based solutions in healthcare processes. A case study analysis”, AIDEA 2023 – XL Convegno Nazionale – 5-6 October 2023, Università degli Studi di Salerno. ISBN: 978-88-947839-2-6
Simoni M., Sorrentino A., Venturini L. (2023), “Understanding the potentiality of the Metaverse in the re-design of the tourist experience. An explorative analysis in Italy,” The 4th Conference on Managing Tourism Across Continents – Tourism for a better World (MTCON’23), March 15-18, 2023, Istanbul, Turkey. DOI: 10.5038/2834-4731-V3
Zeuli F. & Olga G., (2023), “The influence of technology on patient engagement in the cross-cultural context through the psychological lens”, IACCM 2023 International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, “Responsible Management: Social Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion” 25th _27th, October. ISBN 979-12-80655-28-8
Schiavone F., Rivieccio G., Bastone A., Zeuli F., Bianchi A., Pignata S., Futura Bernardi F., Trama U., “La valutazione dell’Assistenza Sanitaria Territoriale per i pazienti oncologici: i risultati di un’indagine esplorativa in Campania”, XVI Congresso Nazionale 2023 SIHTA, ISBN: 979-1-2803-9706-5
Schiavone F., Leone D., Bastone A., & Zeuli F., “Digitalizzazione del settore healthcare e soluzioni di intelligenza artificiale. Un’analisi esplorativa”, Sinergie-SIMA 2023 Management Conference “Rediscovering local roots and interactions in management”, 29-30 June, Bari, Italy. ISBN: 978-88-94-7136-3-3
Spignese A., Campanella F. & Serino L. (2023), “How financial development and energy dependency affect renewable energy production in EU countries”. International Journal of Financial Management
Spignese A., Campanella F., Serino L. (2023), “How does the CEO’s professional judgment influence ESG performance? A view of European Banks’ balance sheet data”. Professional Judgment in Accounting and Auditing Decisions Conference, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Salzillo, G., Farina, E., & Cantone, C. (2022). The effects of regulation on social and environmental reporting. In G. M. Mantovani, A. Kostyuk, & D. Govorun (Eds.), Corporate governance: Theory and practice (pp. 62–68).
Fera, P., Salzillo, G., & Cantone, C. (2022). Minority directors: A review of determinants and consequences and suggestions for future research. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 18(3), 8–14.
Rasheed, M., Liu, J., & Ali, E. (2024). Incorporating sustainability in organizational strategy: a framework for enhancing sustainable knowledge management and green innovation. Kybernetes.
Siraj, A., Zhu, Y., Taneja, S., Ali, E., Guo, J. and Chen, X. (2024), “Executing marketing through a gender lens: a consumer purchase decision-making study in an emerging economy”, Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research,.
Foisal, M.T.M., Abedin, T., & Ali., E. (2024). Investment in Digital Technology and Entrepreneurial Trajectories: Is there any Competitive Age? Asian Review of Accounting Research (Under Review)
Galdiero, C.; Maltempo, C.; Marrapodi, R.; Martinez, M. Gender Diversity: An Opportunity for Socially Inclusive Human Resource Management Policies for Organizational Sustainability. Soc. Sci. 2024, 13, 173.
Galdiero, C.; Maltempo, C.; Marrapodi, R.; Martinez, M. Gender Diversity: An Opportunity for Socially Inclusive Human Resource Management Policies for Organizational Sustainability. Soc. Sci. 2024, 13, 173.
Maltempo, C.; Loia, F.; Pezzillo Iacono, M.; Martinez, M. (2024). Investigating Gender Diversity and Hybrid Work throught the lens of Knowledge Management. Proceedings IFKAD, Translating Knowledge into Innovation Dynamics. Institute of Knowledge Asset Management (IKAM). ISBN: 978-88-96687-17-8
Maltempo, C. (2024). Book review del volume “Tu non puoi capire! Una disamina a tutto tondo sulle tematiche dell’inclusione e pratiche attuative” – di Marcella Loporchio. Prospettive in Organizzazione. Retrieved from
Bastone, A., Schiavone, F., Carli, M. R., & Juárez-Varón, D. (2023). How to shorten the market entry innovation in a highly regulated market. The case of Early access programs in the pharmaceutical industry. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-21. (FASCIA A ANVUR).
Mohamad, T. A., Bastone, A., Bernhard F., Schiavone, F. (2023). How Artificial Intelligence impacts the competitive position of healthcare organizations, Journal of Organizational Change Management.
Schiavone, F., Rivieccio, G., Leone, D., Caporuscio, A., Pietronudo, M., Bastone, A., Grimaldi, M., Celentano, E., Crispo, A., D’Errico, D., Nocerino, F., Pignata, S., Bianchi, A. (2023). Structuring the basis for performance measurement in a cancer network. An explorative analysis, Journal of General Management.
Li, P., Bastone, A., Mohamad, T. A., & Schiavone, F. (2023). How does artificial intelligence impact human resources performance. Evidence from a healthcare institution in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 8(2), 100340 (Fascia A ANVUR).
Ali, E., Jianhua, L., Rasheed, M., & Siraj, A. (2023). Measuring the impact of integration practices on firms’ supply chain performance: role of organizational antecedents in this relationship. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research.
Foisal, M. T.M., Abedin., T., & Ali., E. (2023). Digitization of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs): A Tale of Two Rising NGOs of an Emerging Economy. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research (Under Review)
Foisal, M.T.M., Sampagnaro, G., & Sagar, A.H. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of using green bonds in multi-country contexts: Current status and Future Research Directions. PSU Research Review (Under Review).
Foisal, M.T.M., Sampagnaro, G., & Sagar, A.H. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of using green bonds in multi-country contexts: Current status and Future Research Directions. PSU Research Review (Under Review).
De Martino M., Apicerni V, Gravagnuolo A. (2023), “Sustainable Hospitality and Tourism in the Anthopocene Era: the Need for a more Radical Shift of the Current Circular Economy Models”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (forthcoming).
Gravagnuolo A., Bosone M., Apicerni V. (2023), “Sustainable and Circular Cultural Tourism: A Framework for Enhancing Regional Minor Cultural Heritage Sites”, Open Research Europe (forthcoming)
Bianchi A., Schiavone F., Rivieccio G., Bastone A., D’Errico D., Coppola E., Trama U., Pignata S., La valutazione del percorso della rete oncologica campana: focus sul “Gom Polmone”, Politiche sanitarie 2023;24(1):37-46, doi 10.1706/4011.39902
Schiavone F., Leone D., Bastone A., (2023). Trasformazione digitale e nuovi modelli di business nel settore dei servizi sanitari, contribution in the Volume dedicated to the scientific production of Prof. Pietro Genco. ISBN/EAN 979-12-211-0401-1
Ali, E., Parmentola, A. & Ali, U. (2023). 1 Fostering Digital Entrepreneurship by Developing Entrepreneurial Mindset. In D. Matricano, L. Castaldi, W. Jackson III & L. Marino (Ed.), Entrepreneurial Processes in the Era of Digital Transformation (pp. 5-22). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. ISBN: 9783110790313
Marrapodi, R. (2023). MANAGING CONFLICTS TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE IN START-UPS: A THEORETICAL ANALYSIS. In D. Matricano, L. Castaldi, W. Jackson III & L. Marino (Ed.), Entrepreneurial Processes in the Era of Digital Transformation (pp. 5-22). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. ISBN 9783110790313
Apicerni V., Gravagnuolo A., Panozzo F. (2023), “L’Art Tourism come strategia di sviluppo sostenibile dei siti del patrimonio minore: pratiche emergenti in Italia, in Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano – XXVI Edizione 2022-2023, Edizioni CNR. ISBN 9788880806004
Apicerni V., Maggiore G., Marasco A. (2023), “Smart Tourism: le città italiane tra competitività e sviluppo sostenibile”, in Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano – XXVI Edizione 2022-2023, Edizioni CNR. ISBN 9788880806004
Other authors, Salzillo G. (2024). SMEs Report Campania, Year 2023. Confindustria Campania.
Bastone A. Franzese G., Manetti S., Zeuli F., How to create a culture of sustainability in the Healthcare sector: A scoping review, IACCM 2023 International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, “Responsible Management: Social Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion” 25th _27th October 2023 – Naples, Italy.
Bastone A., Schiavone F., Nevi G., Dezi L., Artificial Intelligence as a path to more sustainability in healthcare, EURAM Conference 2023, 14-17 June, Trinity College Dublin.
Schiavone F., Vershinina N., Bastone A., Early Access as a source of Entrepreneurship in healthcare, Hybrid Paper Development Workshop (PDW) “Examining the Entrepreneurial Revolution in Health Care”, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy, 15 May 2023.
Bastone A., Schiavone F., Understanding the effect of digital literacy on research project management, Paper Development Workshop in Organization Studies, Palazzo Butera, Palermo 13-14 April 2023.
Schiavone F., Leone D., Bastone A., Zeuli F., “Exploring AI-based solutions in healthcare processes. A case study analysis”, AIDEA 2023 – XL Convegno Nazionale – 5-6 October 2023, Università degli Studi di Salerno.
Schiavone F., Rivieccio G., Bastone A., Zeuli F., Bianchi A., Pignata S., Futura Bernardi F., Trama U., “La valutazione dell’Assistenza Sanitaria Territoriale per i pazienti oncologici: i risultati di un’indagine esplorativa in Campania”, XVI Congresso Nazionale 2023 SIHTA.
Schiavone F., Leone D., Bastone A., Zeuli F., (2023). Digitalizzazione del settore healthcare e soluzioni di intelligenza artificiale. Un’analisi esplorativa, In: Sinergie-SIMA Management Conference Proceedings: Rediscovering local roots and interactions in management. ISBN 978-88-94-7136-3-3
Nevi G., Bastone A., Schiavone F., Omrani N., Dezi L., How do Digital Transformation influence customer satisfaction dimensions online and offline, DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – DTS 2023, 23 May 2023, Paris School of Business
Franzese G., Cannavale C., The role of gamification on entrepreneurial orientation: the effects on innovativeness, proactivity, and risk-taking, Euram 2023, “Transforming Business for Good”, 14-16 June 2023 – Dublin, Ireland. (ISBN 978-2-9602195-5-5)
Franzese G., Cannavale C., The potential role of gamified solutions on sustainable choices, Sinergie-SIMA Conference, “Rediscovering Local Roots and Interactions in Management”, 29-30 June 2023- Bari, Italy. (ISBN 978-88-94-7136-3-3)
Franzese G., Cannavale C., Chinese migrant entrepreneurship: the phenomena of diaspora in Italy, IACCM 2023 International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, “Responsible Management: Social Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion”, 25-27 October 2023 – Naples, Italy.
Bastone A. Franzese G., Manetti S., Zeuli F., How to create a culture of sustainability in the Healthcare sector: A scoping review, IACCM 2023 International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, “Responsible Management: Social Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion”, 25-27 October 2023 – Naples, Italy.
Risitano M., La Ragione G., Franzese G., Cannavale C., The GREEN lever: Unraveling the influence of consumption values on brand responses and consumer behaviour, IACCM 2023 International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, “Responsible Management: Social Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion”, 25-27 October 2023 – Naples, Italy.
MTM. Foisal, Ali. E, Technologies and Entrepreneurial Trajectories: The Role of Digitization , IACCM 2023 International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence
and Management, “Responsible Management: Social Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion”, 25-27 October 2023 – Naples, Italy.
Marrapodi R., Mele S., Galdiero C., Maltempo C. (2023). EXPLORING SMART WORK’S IMPACT ON SUSTAINABILITY: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS. In Proceeding Book, International World Energy Conference 2023. ISBN: 978-625-367-567-7
Galdiero C., Marrapodi R., Mele S., Maltempo C., Martinez M., (2023) – Leadership Challenges: Managing Conflict in Virtual Teams. In Proceeding of the SABEM Conference 2023. ISBN: 978-625-99709-1-2
“Towards the Regulation of Non-Financial Reporting: The Impact on Environmental Disclosure within the Oil & Gas Sector”; Gianmarco Salzillo, Caterina Cantone, Pietro Fera, Nicola Moscariello; 9th WORKSHOP ON ACCOUNTING AND REGULATION (2023).
Marrapodi, R.; Mele, S.; Galdiero C.; Maltempo C. (2023). Exploring Smart Work’s Impact on Sustainability: A Bibliometric Analysis. Proceeding Book, International World Energy Conference 2023 (pp. 651-654). IKSAD Publisching House®. ISBN: 978-625-367-567-7
Galdiero, C.; Maltempo C.; Marrapodi R.; Mele, S.; Martinez M. (2023). Leadership and Conflict in Virtual teams: A Bibliometric Analysis. itAIS2023: XX Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS – Business and People Ecosystems in the Digital Society.
Leadership Challenges: Managing Conflict in Virtual Teams (2023). Abstract. Atto di convegno ISBN 978-625-99709-1. Editore Malton London Publshng. Sabem conference abstract book.
Crispo, A., Rivieccio, G., Cataldo, L., Coluccia, S., Luongo, A., Coppola, E., … & Stanzione, C. (2022). New approach to implement cancer patient care: The valutazione percorso rete oncologica campana (ValPeROC)‐experience from an Italian oncology network. European Journal of Cancer Care, e13736.
Schiavone, F., Rivieccio, G., Bastone, A., Bianchi, A., Pignata, S., Coppola, E., … & D’Errico, D. La valutazione dell’Assistenza Sanitaria Territoriale per i pazienti oncologici: un’indagine empirica sulla Rete Oncologica Campana, GIHTAD.
Bastone A., Nevi G., Schiavone F., Bernhard F., Dezi L., Making AI sustainable for healthcare, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, Journal of
Innovation Economics & Management.
Nevi G., Bastone A., Bernhard F., Dezi L., Digital platforms adoption in a highly regulated market, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, Journal of
Innovation Economics & Management.
Industrial convergence and digital skills in service industries. An explorative analysis, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. (Fascia A ANVUR).
Ali, E., Liu, J., Faiz, A., Siraj, A., & Rasheed, M. (2022). Exploring the Nexus between Supply Chain Integration, Integrative Value-Creation, and Firm’s Performance: Mediating Roles of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Innovation Capability. International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences, 12(2). DOI:
Fatigati L., Apicerni V., Castronuovo V., Giusto R. M., (2022), “Riuso adattivo del patrimonio storico architettonico religioso: il caso di Sant’Arcangelo a Baiano nel quartiere di Forcella a Napoli, BDC -Bollettino Del Centro Calza Bini, Vol. 22 No. 1.
Marchi V., Apicerni V., Marasco A. (2022), “Digital Sustainability communication of tourism cities: a text mining approach”, Cities, Vol. 143, 104590.
“MINORITY DIRECTORS: A REVIEW OF DETERMINANTS AND CONSEQUENCES AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH” ; Pietro Fera, Gianmarco Salzillo e Caterina Cantone ; Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition ; Virtus Interpress (2022).
Maltempo, C., Martinez, M., & Galdiero, C. (2022). La giusta “dose” di uomini e donne per la sostenibilità: tra maturazioni inattese o abissali regressioni? Prospettive in Organizzazione, (18). Retrieved from (
Apicerni V. Maggiore G., Marasco A.(2022), “Smart Tourism: la competitività delle città italiane, in Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano – XXV Edizione 2021-2022, Edizioni CNR. ISBN 9788880805199
Schiavone F., Rivieccio G., Bastone A., Pignata S., “La misurazione della performance come leva di innovazione nei sistemi sanitari regionali: il caso Rete Oncologica Campana”, (2022) ISBN 979-12-80655-19-6
Mele C., Russo Spena T., Cavacece Y., Ebraico S., Leone D., Schiavone F., Cappello L., Bastone A., Ranieri A., “Blockchain&Health”, (2022) IBNO, ISBN: 9791222024066
Gravagnuolo A., Bosone M., Castronuovo V., Apicerni, V. (2022) Be.CULTOUR D 2.1 – “Sustainable cultural tourism impacts assessment framework based on urban metabolism”
Gravagnuolo A., Apicerni V., Castronuovo V. (2022) Be.CULTOUR D 1.1 “Study on Market Potential, Human Capital and Social Impact of Cultural Tourism”
“Climate change La risposta agli investitori istituzionali: profilo attuale ed evolutivo dei risvolti del fenomeno climate change sulle metriche di bil” ; Michele Pizzo, Nicola Moscariello e Gianmarco Salzillo ; Deloitte (2022)
“OIC N.5 Bilanci in Liquidazione Report sulla Compliance” ; Carmelo Marisca, Giorgio Ricciardi e Gianmarco Salzillo ; Osservatorio dei bilanci e della comunicazione economico-finanziaria (2022)
Other authors, Salzillo G. (2023). SMEs Report Campania, Year 2022. Confindustria Campania.
Collaborazione a rapporto di ricerca- Report SLIOB – Gli Ecosistemi Campani, (2022).
Schiavone F., Leone D., Bastone A., Managing health data through AI mechanisms: A case study, analysis, IEEE METROXRAINE 2022.
Schiavone F., Rivieccio G., Leone D., Bastone A., Muto R., Savarese F., Grimaldi M., Celentano E., Crispo A., D’errico D., Coppola E., Nocerino F., Pignata S., Bianchi A., How does a digital monitoring system impact on healthcare performance? The case of ROC, Sinergie-SIMA 2022 Management Conference “Boosting knowledge & trust for a sustainable business”, 30 June – 1 July 2022 – Bocconi University of Milan (Italy) ISBN 97888947136-0-2.
Mele C., Russo Spena T., Cavacece Y., Ebraico S., Leone D., Schiavone F., Bastone A., Blockchain Technology and Artificial Intelligence for Value Co-Creation in Healthcare, 2022 IEEE METROXRAINE 2022, ISBN: 978-1-6654-8573-9 DOI:10.1109/MetroXRAINE54828.2022.9967567
Schiavone F., Rivieccio G., Bastone A., Bianchi A., Pignata S., La Valutazione del Percorso della Rete Oncologica Campana con focus su “GOM Polmone”, XV Congresso Nazionale 2022 SIHTA, ISBN: 979-1-2803-9706-5
Franzese G., Cannavale C., Gamification as a factor of competitive advantage. A case-study analysis, Sinergie-SIMA Conference, “Boosting Knowledge & Trust for a Sustainable Business”, June 30th and July 1st 2022- Milan, Italy. (ISBN 97888947136-0-2)
D’AVANZO C., RIVETTI F. (2022). To What Extent is the Heritage of a Brand Worth? An Empirical Analysis of the Peroni Case. In: Proceedings of the XIX SIM Conference, Società Italiana Marketing, Università degli Studi di Salerno, 20/21 Ottobre 2022. ISBN: 978-88-943918-8-6.
“THE EFFECTS OF REGULATION ON SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING” ; Gianmarco Salzillo, Emilio Farina e Caterina Cantone ; Corporate governance: Theory and practice ; Virtus Interpress (2022).
Gender difference e politiche di gestione sostenibili una nuova sfida per le organizzazioni (2022). Extended Abstract. Atto di convegno ISBN 97888947136-0-2 ( Editore Fondazione Cueim. Sinergie Italian Journal of Management.
Faiz, A., Azeem, M. F., & Ali, E. (2021). Despotic Leadership as A Trigger of Turnover Intention: By Descending Organization Identification Perception. International Journal Of Management Research and Emerging Sciences, 11(4). DOI:
Investment in Digital Technology and Entrepreneurial Trajectories : Is there any Competitive Edge? (Under Review , PSU Research Review)
Digitization of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) : A Tale of Two Rising NGOs of an Emerging Economy (Under Review, AGJSR)
“EARNINGS QUALITY AND THE COST OF DEBT FOR SMES UNDER SEVERE INFORMATION ASYMMETRY” ; Pietro Fera e Gianmarco Salzillo ; Journal of Governance and Regulation ; Virtus Interpress (2021).
Maltempo, C., & Martinez, M. (2021). I am talking Mr VicePresident! Diversità di genere e conflitto organizzativo. Prospettive in Organizzazione, (16). Retrieved from (
Apicerni V., Maggiore G., Marasco A.(2021), “Smart Tourism: un’analisi della competitività delle città italiane, in Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano – XXIV Edizione 2019-2020, Edizioni CNR, 2021. ISBN 9788880804420
Gravagnuolo A., Apicerni V., (2021) Be.CULTOUR D 6.1. “Management Handbook – Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and Risk Management Plan”
Gravagnuolo A., Apicerni V. (2021) Be.CULTOUR “D 7.1 “Ethics – Requirement No. 3″
Gravagnuolo A., Apicerni V.,(2021) Be.CULTOUR D 7.3 “Ethics – Requirement No. 6”
Apicerni V., Giusto R. M., Fatigati L., De Martino M. (2021), “Proposte di riuso adattivo dei due casi Pilota oggetto della sperimentazione: Sant’Arcangelo a Baiano e Santa Maria della Misericordia ai Vergini”
Corazza V. Oppido S., Ragozino S., Apicerni V., Fatigati L., Giusto R. M. (2021), “Analisi del contesto territoriale in cui risultano insediati gli oratori attraverso l’utilizzo del GIS, Geographic Information System”.
Fatigati L., Apicerni V. (2021), “Analisi dei bisogni (ascolto attivo) espressi dalle comunità locali: il quartiere di Forcella”.
Marasco A., Apicerni V. (2021), #IN-HERITAGE D 4.1 “Identificazione e descrizione del caso d’uso”
Other authors, Salzillo G. (2022). SMEs Report Campania, Year 2021. Confindustria Campania.
Marchi V., Apicerni V., Marasco A. (2021) “Assessing Online Sustainability Communication of Italian Cultural Destinations – A Web Content Mining Approach”, in, W. Wörndl, C. Koo, J. L. Stienmetz (eds.), Proceedings of the ENTER 2021, Springer. ISBN 9783030657840
“THE EVOLUTION OF SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICATION IN THE OIL & GAS SECTOR” ; Gianmarco Salzillo ; Corporate governance: A search for emerging trends in the pandemic times ; Virtus Interpress (2021).
De Martino, M., Apicerni V., Fatigati L., Giordano G. (2020), “Indicazioni metodologiche e strumenti d’analisi per la mappatura delle relazioni tra gli attori coinvolti nelle iniziative di riuso nel Centro Storico della città di Napoli”
Apicerni V., Marasco A. (2019), Dalla competitività delle città d’arte italiane alla sfida dell’innovazione smart per il turismo culturale, in Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano – XXIII Edizione 2018-2019, Rogiosi Editore. ISBN 9788869503894
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